
Supporting multiple data platforms.

With dependency injection and new structure we have tried to support variety of data platforms such as Google Cloud Firebase, AWS, Azure or using backend such as ASP.NET, PHP, JAVA, etc.

Easy and fast to scale in structure

Layers are organized in the way we have easy and less changes for adding/removing features. It could be integrated with server side too. As a result we are faster in developing in both side.


  • The infrastructure,
  • Providing interfaces for services
  • Domain


  • Firebase Data Client
  • AWS Data Client
  • Azure Data Client
  • ASP.NET Data Client
  • PHP Data Client


Integrating and reusability in both mobile and web app

With new structure we are able to develop the mobile app in parallel with web app only with changing Components layer. It means we can keep Core, Data layers, Actions, Reducers, etc. What we have high reusability and fast in producing the products.

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